Oil on canvas panel - Öl auf Malplatte - huile sur carton entoilé
6 in x 6 in :: 15.2 cm x 15.2 cm
Ok, so I have too been tagged by 2 artists, I didn't mean to be slow about it. It just seems that there are a BILLION things to be done in one day/week. Like paint... : )
The artists who tagged me are a talented architect/artist Elizabeth Floyd and Mike Rooney, who was just published in a new book about plein air painting, thank you, I appreciate very much being tagged.
The rules of being tagged are:
1. Link to person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules
3. List 6 or 7 unusual things about yourself or quirky but boring, unspectacular details about yourself
4. Tag 6 or 7 other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know they've been tagged
Here goes:
1. I love my ipod. I mostly listen to music, but also books.
2. My studio is very SMALL. People walk into it and say, wow this just proves you don't have to have a large studio to paint.
3. I am intrigued by marketing my artwork. I can't say that I know what I'm doing, but it is interesting.
4. I love my car too. It's a subaru outback, good for plein air painting and hauling paintings around. I hope subaru will make an outback hybrid or something like that in the future.
5. I have a dog.
6. I do yoga.
Tag 6 or 7 bloggers ( I don't know if these people have already been tagged) I guess if you have already been tagged, you just ignore the tag?
Irina Koslova, Daniel Garcia, Celeste Bergin, Darren Maurer, Jeff Mahorney, Donna Van Tuyl