Oaks and Yellow Starthistle :: 8x10 :: AVAILABLE
Vintner's Pick Award Winner
Morning Glow in the Vineyard :: 8x10 :: SOLD
Mt Hood, Panorama Point :: 6x6 :: SOLD
Artist's Choice Award
Oaks at Laurel's House :: 6x18 :: SOLD
Downtown Hood River :: 6x6 :: SOLD
The Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2011 Show was in it's 7th year, and it was a very fun, rewarding show to do again. It's always fascinating to me, how we start out on the first day of painting (5 days of painting) with no art show, and after 5 days, we have a wonderful show. There were 40 participants in the show this year. I made lots of new painter friends from the group. Our show juror was Jim Lamb, PAPA member.
If you want to check out how it went - day by day - here is the blog address for the event:
This year, I won 2 awards! Vintner's Pick Award for the painting I did in the vineyard, "Morning Glow in the Vineyard" and Artist's Choice Award, "Oaks at Laurel's House".
And there is one painting still available for purchase after opening night : Oaks and Yellow Starthistle 8x10
If you are interested in this painting, it is at the Columbia Center for the Arts, 215 Cascade Ave, Hood River OR (541) 387-8877