oil on panel :: 8x10 :: framed

oil on panel :: 8x10 :: framed

oil on panel :: 8x10 :: framed
What have I been doing with myself this summer? It has been a very busy summer. Just finished with the Plein Air 2009 Show in Hood River, OR. I was one of 32 Artists participated, we painted for 5 days, there are over 170 paintings in the show in the Columbia Center for the Arts. Our opening was great, we sold over 40 paintings from the show. We were very lucky to have the show juried by Ned Mueller, a member of the Plein Air Painters of America. I am posting 3 of my paintings in the show, I need to add the other 3 later. The photos of the above paintings are not the greatest, they might be a little dark. We have a blog about our event, http://pleinairhoodriver.blogspot.com, check it out, there are photos of the artists, the names of the artists who participated and some of the locations we were painting. Also there are photos of the fabulous opening, that was overflowing with interested collectors and art appreciators.