We have a giant rose bush in front of our house. It is the most prolific, giant rose bush I have ever seen. We don't know anything about growing roses, it just did all this on it's own. So I'm destined to paint roses from this prolific bush. I got my 6x6 boards back from place where I have my painting boards cut, and in addition to the 6in x 6in pieces that I ordered, I got the scrap end pieces that are 3in x 6in. I thought I would just paint on those too. Hence, the unusual format you see. The wood that I have them cut from is birch plywood. The word plywood doesn't really do this material justice, it is very nice on the edges, and it's 1/2in thick. The wood is made in very thin little layers, it's very nice looking, not rough at all. I should put up a photo of it from the side. The UPS guy came and I received some new experimental paint colors, that I had ordered and I just had to try out this turquoise blue color! I don't know why I ordered that crazy color but I just did.
2 3/8" x 6" :: oil on archival gessoed panel